Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Take Your Dad to Work Day"

This Tuesday and Wednesday I traveled again to Las Vegas. The occasion was not to see Donny or Marie (had a request to get a different picture up to replace the "adolescent" Donny) but to spend some time with family. I got to have lunch with Fred , who has successfully completed radiation treatments and is now scheduled for his normal busy schedule traveling to Minnesota, Idaho, Utah (family) and Europe (business) in the next couple of months. We all miss Janice a lot.

The key reason for going to Vegas was to see Joel in action at his work. He got me into the annual convention of the National Academy of Emergency Dispatch / Priority Dispatch Corporation. I called it "Take Your Dad to Work Day" I met many of Joel's colleages from the Salt Lake corporate office and from around the world as well. This is an amazing organization, which, through it's founder, Dr Jeff Clawson, has established first responder protocals which have been intrumental in helping emergency responders around the world save countless lives by extending emergency medical care in the field through fire, police and medical response. If you hear of a 9-1-1 call, see an ambulance, fire truck or police car rushing to an emergency, think of Joel.

It was great to spend a little time with Joel and see how much he is loved by those men and women with whom he works. Thanks Joel.
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1 comment:

Tiffany Hales said...

Way cool! Not sure my day would find my job nearly as exciting!