Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Salzburg - Mozart, Silent Night and Sound of Music

The drive from Vienna to Salzburg was fast with a changing landscape which became an Alpine wonder. So many sights, but not many pictures from Salzburg. In addition to the evening visit to the Christmas Market in the old Salzburg town square, we wandered the narrow streets and took in the beauty of this smaller city.

When one thinks of Salzburg, one thinks of music. Birthplace and home of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He was known to be a musical geniusd, but a financial flop. We found that those who run the Mozart foundation may not be gifted musicians but are not about to fail financially. With Melanie's travel agent card and my wheelchair, we were able to get into most palaces, museums, etc either free or at substantially reduced rates. At the Mozart residence/museum they just laughed when we tried to play the discount card. The only place on the whole trip we had to pay full price. But it was interesting. Mozart's musical instruments were on display. Original art of Mozart and his family. Video displays and recordings of his life story and his music. Fascinating !

Our next musical experience was like wise inspirational. Salzburg was home to Joseph Mohr and Franz Gruber, who in 1818 wrote and performed "Stille Nacht" for the first time at St. Nikolaus church near Salzburg. The Salzburg Museum (got in free to this one) had a wonderful display which including an original manuscript of the music written in Franz Gruber's hand. "Silent Night" has been translated into over 300 languages. At the museum shop, we obtain a recording in 15 different languages and the shopkeeper through in a CD of some classical works created in Salzburg.

Last but not least on the musical scene in Salzburg is the "Sound of Music". Tour companies play this one for all it is worth. We visited the countryside but avoided the tour busses which played "The Hills are Alive" as a perk.

We thoroughly enjoyed Salzburg and its beautiful setting and rich history.

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